10 June 2009

Random, naturally.

I've been ignoring my little blog, haven't I? This is probably due to the uptick in actual activity in my life, thus leaving me with less time to sit around and wait for the brain-droppings to fall.

Anything interesting going on? Not necessarily. Just end of school, start of summer, work and other such things. I'm trying to organize the end-ish part of the summer though, and that's been occupying more skull space than I like. But, considering that my 20th high school reunion butts up against my son's birthday and the beginning of school all within a short space of time, I'm afraid that I have to sped the energy. Part of me wishes that I could just fast forward through the hot months and get it all over with. The logical side, however, tells me that I have to buckle down and plan things, and well, that's just a bummer.

Someday I'll learn to be spontaneous and not have to plan every little thing to the last detail before I can relax and enjoy myself. I'd also like to go ahead and lift my butt back up that last inch or so and flatten my stomach a bit, but that's not going to happen without work either. (Death I can accept easily but age I will defy to the end!)

Let's see, what else. Oh. I'm reading multiple books at once, which is another little brain scrambler. I must be slowing down mentally (grrrr) since I find that I have to actually slow down and study the various bits of material I'm digesting. Well, okay. Not the material itself, but the questions that come to mind while I'm covering said material.

I'm currently nursing something of a fixation on the Victorian Era, both the English and American. (Yes, there was something of an American Victorian Era, considering that the heyday of Victoria's reign and the Civil War and Reconstruction fell within the same time period, and admit it - whether we like it or not American culture has always taken many cues from the English... but I digress.)

That being stated, I'm finding myself drawn (again) into the entire 'Culture of Mourning' that was very much prevalent around this time, and which also gave birth to the 'Spiritist' movement on both sides of the pond. Now, strangely, the material I've been covering leads me into the realm of physics for some damned reason, which I'm sure that I'll rant about at another time when my mind doesn't feel like wilted weeds. Still, the link between the two doesn't seem terribly fine, in my opinion, and I'm going to pester David a lot for harder data and cleaner conclusions than I could probably come to on my own. (Sorry Dave.)

But right now, I'm tired, and so I'll sign off for the time being and wait for one of those lovely bursts of inspiration that always come at the most inconvenient times. Until then...

1 comment:

  1. May I recommend "Ghost Hunters: William James and the Search for Scientific Proof of Life After Death"? It's the story of the creation of the Society for Psychical Research. I'm sure the information will overlap much of you past research, but the focus on the SPR's work may answer some questions for you. Plus, it's an entertaining look at the Spiritualist movement.


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